provides a flexible filtering interface with sane defaults for different data and experimental types, this is achieved by providing a light wrapper over the DSP.jl
The filtering processes for this package are dependent on the DSP.jl
package. As such, we recommend reading the DSP.jl documentation to understand the design choices used in this pacakge, and to utilise the ability to define custom filtering.
Import example EEG data
To demonstrate the filtering capabilities of this package we first import some example data. For simplicity, we will simply process one channel of data in this example.
using Neuroimaging, DataDeps, StatsBase, Unitful
data_path = joinpath(
s = read_SSR(data_path) = .- StatsBase.mean(, dims=1) # remove DC offset for easier plotting
keep_channel!(s, "F5")
SSR measurement of 5.0 mins with 1 channels sampled at 8192.0 Hz
Modulation frequency: NaN Hz
Modality specific filter
provides standard filter functions for each data type and experimental design type. This allows you to quickly get started with sane filtering parameters. First we demonstrate the standard filtering functions applied to two data types. Then, below we demonstrate how to apply a custom defined filter to any Neuroimaging.jl
The steady state response type uses a third order Butterworth filter with a 2 Hz cutoff by default. The filter is applied twice to achieve zero phase filtering, by using the filtfilt
function from DSP.jl.
using Plots
s_hp = filter_highpass(s)
plot(s, label="Original Signal")
plot!(s_hp, label="Filtered Signal")
For general EEG types a FIR filter is utilised with a Hamming window. By default zero phase filtering is applied by compensating for the delay of the filter.
s2 = read_EEG(data_path) = .- StatsBase.mean(, dims=1) # remove DC offset for better plotting
keep_channel!(s2, "F5")
s_hp = filter_highpass(s2, cutOff = 2u"Hz")
s_lp = filter_lowpass(s2, cutOff = 5u"Hz") # extreme value to show LP effect in plot
plot(s2, label="raw")
plot!(s_hp, label="highpass")
plot!(s_lp, label="lowpass")
Custom defined filter
In addition to the default filtering above, Neuroimaging.jl
provides the user completely flexibility in filtering the data by allowing standard DSP.jl
objects to be used directly on data types. The functions filt
and filtfilt
are both exposed to the user and work with all Neuroimaging.jl
data types.
In this example a custom zero pole gain implementation of a 6th order Butterworth filter is applied to the SSR data. The filter is applied using both the zero-phase filtfilt
approach and the standard filt
using DSP
responsetype = Highpass(3, fs = samplingrate(Float64, s))
designmethod = Butterworth(6)
zpg = digitalfilter(responsetype, designmethod)
# Apply filtering using each exposed method
s_custom_filtfilt = Neuroimaging.filtfilt(s, zpg)
s_custom_filt = Neuroimaging.filt(s, zpg)
s = trim_channel(s, 10000)
s_custom_filtfilt = trim_channel(s_custom_filtfilt, 10000)
s_custom_filt = trim_channel(s_custom_filt, 10000)
plot(s, label="raw")
plot!(s_custom_filtfilt, label="filtfilt")
plot!(s_custom_filt, label="filt")
We have demonstrated how to apply standard and custom filtering to your neuroimaging data. If your specific experimental design data has a common filtering specification that is not yet included in Neuroimaging.jl
, then please raise an issue on the GitHub page and we can add support for your data type.