Source Modelling
supports opening volume image data. In this example we open a .dat
file as is exported by the BESA software.
Volume image data represents the estimated activity at each source location. The magnitude of the activity can be displayed in a figure (see below).
In this example we read data from an EEG distributed source analysis procedure run in the BESA software using the CLARA approach (Jordanov T., Hoechstetter K., Berg P., Paul-Jordanov I., Scherg M. CLARA: classical LORETA analysis recursively applied. F1000Posters. 2014;5:895.).
using Neuroimaging
data_path = joinpath("..", "..", "..", "test", "data", "test-3d.dat")
t = read_VolumeImage(data_path)
VolumeImage of method CLARA and units nAm/cm^3
Spanning x: -0.0725 m : 0.0725 m
Spanning y: -0.103779999 m : 0.07122000099999999 m
Spanning z: -0.058189999 m : 0.07680999799999999 m
Spanning t: 0.0 s : 0.0 s
Next we can view the volume image by calling the plot method on it. Note that each dot represents the distributed source activity at that location, in this location the estimates are in units nAm/cm^3.